Definite Logic Programs: Models

Logical Consequences of Formulae

  • Recall:

    F is a logical consequence of P

  • Since there are (in general) infinitely many possible interpretations, how can we check if F is a logical consequence of P?

    • Solution:

      choose one ‘canonical‘ model I such that

Definite Clauses

  • A formula of the form $p(t_1, t_2, …, t_n)$ , where $p/n$ is an $n$-ary predicate symbol and $t_i$ are all terms is said to be atomic.

Herbrand Universe

  • Given an alphabet A, the set of all ground terms constructed from the constant and function symbols of A is called the Herbrand Universe of A (denoted by $U_A$).

  • Consider the program:

    p(s(s(X))) <- p(X).
  • The Herbrand Universe of the program’s alphabet is:

    $U_A={zero, s(zero), s(s(sero)),…}$

Herbrand Universe: Example

  • Consider the ‘relations’ program:

    parent(pam, bob).

    parent(bob, ann).

    parent(tom, bob).

    parent(bob, pat).

    parent(tom, liz).

    parent(pat, jim).

    grandparent(X, Y):-

    ​ parent(X, Z), parent(Z, Y).

  • The Herbrand Universe of the program’s alphabet is:

    $U_A={pam, bob, tom, liz, ann, pat, jim}$

Herbrand Base

  • Given an alphabet A, the set of all ground atomic formulas over A is called the Herbrand Base of A (denoted by $B_A$).

  • Consider the program:

    p(s(s(X))) <- p(X).
  • The Herbrand Base of the program’s alphabet is:

    $B_A={p(zero), p(s(zero)), p(s(s(zero))),…}$

Herbrand Base: Example

  • Consider the ‘relations’ program:

    parent(pam, bob).

    parent(bob, ann).

    parent(tom, bob).

    parent(bob, pat).

    parent(tom, liz).

    parent(pat, jim).

    grandparent(X, Y):-

    ​ parent(X, Z), parent(Z, Y).

  • The Herbrand Base of the program’s alphabet is:

Herbrand Interpretations and Models

Herbrand Models

  • All Herbrand interpretations of a program give the same ‘meaning’ to the constant and function symbols.
    • Different Herbrand interpretations differ only in the ‘meaning’ they give to the predicate symbols.
  • We often write a Herbrand model simply by listing the subset of the Herbrand base that is true in the model
    • Example: Consider our numbers program, where {p(zero), p(s(s(zero))), p(s(s(s(s(zero))))), …} represents the Herbrand model that treats {…}

Sufficiency of Herbrand Models

  • Let P be a definite program. If I’ is a model of P then I = {} is a Herbrand model of P.
  • (Update lecture slide)

Definite Program Only

  • Let P be a definite program. If I’ is a model of P then I = {$A\in B_P | I’ \imply A$} is a Herbrand model of P.
  • This property holds only for definite programs.
    • Consider P = …
      • There are two Herbrand interpretations:
        • The first is not a model of P since
        • The second is not a model of P since
      • But there are non-Herbrand models, such as I:
        • |I| = N (the set of natural numbers)
        • $a_I = 0$
        • $p_I=$”is odd”

Properties of Herbrand Models

  1. If M is a set of Herbrand Models of a definite program P, then $\cap$M is also a Herbrand Model of P.
  2. For every definite program P there is a unique least model $M_P$ such that:
    • $M_P$ is a Herbrand Model of P and,
    • for every Herbrand Model M, $M_P$
  3. For any definite program, if every Herbrand Model of P is also a Herbrand Model of F, then …
  4. $M_P=$ the set of all ground logical consequences of P.

Least Herbrand Model

  • The least Herbrand model $M_P$of a definite program P is the set of all ground logical consequences of the program.
  • First,
    • By definition of logical consequence, means that has to be in every model of P and hence also in the least Herbrand model.
  • Second,:
    • If … then A is in every Herbrand model of P.
    • But assume there is some model I’
    • By sufficiency of Herbrand models, there is some Herbrand model I such that…
    • Hence A is not in some Herbrand model, and hence is not in $M_P$.

Finding the Least Herbrand Model

  • Immediate consequence operator:
    • Given
    • I’ is said to be the immediate consequence of I.
    • Written as $I’ = T_P(I), T_P$ is called the immediate consequence operator.
    • Consider the sequence:

Computing Mp: Practical Considerations