Hello, My name is Liam, and I’d like to introduce xxx, or you can also call him ooo. He is from Spain. He can speak at least three languages: Spanish, English, of course, and German. He is a first-year Ph.D. student marjoring in biology. His major area of study is testing the interactions between drugs and yeasts. Moreover, the last thing he read was human evolutionary genetics. No wonder his vocation is to become an evolutionary biologist. I think he is on the right track to his dream job. There are so many things he likes. For example, he likes music especially Latino music and rock music. He likes to join parties and hang out with friends on weekends. By the way, in Spain, he went to bars and he told me that beer is cheaper than water there. He also likes to play basketball and watch some sports like soccer and formula one, the highest class of single-seater auto racing. He is kind and talkative. I think all of you would enjoy chatting with him.