Mathematical Formalizations in Logic
Why formalize language?
to remove ambiguity
to represent facts on a computer and use it for proving, proof-checking, etc.
to detect unsound reasoning in arguments
What is unsound?
- Mathematical logic is a tool for dealing with formal reasoning.
- formalization of natural language and reasoning methods
- Logic does:
- assess if an argument is
- assess if an argument is
- Logic does not directly:
- assess the truth of atomic statements
Propositional Logic or the Logic of Compound Statements
This is the study of:
- the structure (syntax) and
- the meaning (semantics) of (simple and complex) propositions
The key questions are:
- how is the truth value of a complex proposition obtained from the truth value of its simpler components?
- which propositions represent correct reasoning arguments?
What is a Proposition
A proposition is a sentence that is either
, but not both
- Examples of simple propositions:
- John is a student
- 5 + 1 = 6
- 426 > 1721
- It is 92 degrees outside right now.
- Eaxmple of a complex proposition:
- Tom is five and Mary is six.
- Sentences which are not propositions:
- Did Steve get an A on the exam? (this is a query)
- Go away! (this is an order)
Proposition Forms or Formulas
In studying properties of propositions we represent them by expressions called
proposition forms
built from the followings:
- propositional variables (atoms), which represent simple propositions
- connective symbols, which representing logical connectives


Determining Truth of a Formula
Atomic formulae: given
Compound formulae: via meaning of the connectives
- The semantics of logical connectives determines how propositional formulas are evaluated depending on the truth values assigned to propositional variables
- Each possible truth assignment or valuation for the propositional variables of a formula yields a truth value. The different possibilities can be summarized in a
truth table
Evaluation of Formulas - Truth Tables
A truth table for a formula lists all possible
of truth or falsity, depending on the values assigned to the propositional variables of the formula.
How to construct truth tables?
- There are two choices (
) for each of n variables, so in general there are 2**n rows for n variables. - A systematic procedure (an algorithm) is necessary to make sure you construct all rows without duplicates.
- construct the rows systematically:
- count in binary: 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, …
- the rightmost column must be computed as a function of all the truth values in the row
- construct the rows systematically:
Language: Syntax of Formulas
formal language
of propositional logic can be specified bygrammar rules
syntactic structure
of a complex logical expression must beunambiguous
::= | (~
) | (
and ) | (
or ) …
::= p | q | r | … Simplified Syntax
In arithmetic one often species a precedence among operators (say, times ahead of plus) to eliminate the need for some parentheses in certain programming languages.
The same can be done for the logical connectives, though deleting parentheses may cause confusion.
Precedence and associative
- Avoid confusion - use parentheses

Lecture Slide: Introduction to Logic, Logic Programming Concepts and Languages